Glossary (Objects, Title and Philosophy)


All definitions are in the context of this collection of essays and other writings, with an end to creating an open sourced model of organisation decision making which is harmonious, soluble and accountable. Any disagreement to a definition may be lodged with the author(s)1 and will be considered in good faith and in the context of this collection of written works. Definitions may expand as essays and articles are added.


Anheirarchy: a system in which members of an organization or society are not ranked according to any relative status or authority (ie without heirarchy), except in relation to contextual relevance to expertise in the purpose or framework of relevant dicisions to be made. A more structured unranking process than Anarchy, but still intentionally anarchist/collectivist with all members having equal authority in a decision.

Collective: a cooperative enterprise, particularly in the context of these writings, where all participants have equal authority in the enterprise decision making process. (expanded from Oxford Languages)

Consensus: a decision made by a harmonious process (expanded from Oxford Languages), aimed at recognising and recording dissent, and its reasons, as an accountable process of equitable decision making, usually necessary to reach broad collective accord. It usually aims to achieve a decision where the dissent can live with not blocking the decision or present plain language evidence that consensus for the opposite position is the better option unless an alternative to the original case can be found.

Constitution: a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. (Oxford Languages)

Open Source: describing documents which evolve or frequently update and for which the current definitive version of such a document document is made freely available and may, within licencing contexts, be redistributed and modified. Updates and evolutions are version controlled with older versions available for reference, back-compatibility or historical record.

Unranking: A structure which recognises technical expertise in contextual decision making of relevance to that field of expertise, in such that only a technical expert may block consensus and only with evidence in plain langauge to prove the need to block a consensus on the topic. (Eg: The Senior Engineer blocked the use of B-Grade steel to reinforce the concrete bridge across the bay, with plain language evidence of higher potential for rust in the sea air, as interpreted to plain language from a research paper. None were against the block and the resulting consensus was achieved for the opposition case.)

1: While started by Crunchysteve, these writings may attract like-minded contributors. If you feel you have something to contribute, reach out in a comment below, with your background relevant to this range of topics, along with a contact point you feel comfortable to share, and Crunchysteve will consider the request and contact you regarding submission protocols and style guide. Contributions will rarely be republished without an editorial and accuracy process.

Copyleft 2023, as per CC 4.0, Crunchysteve and acknowledged contributors. The documents published on this blog may be forked, copied or otherwise modified for describing any equitable group decision making process, provided they, too, are made available inder the terms of this licence as per share-alike, with attributions and for non-commercial purposes, other than for the actual decisions made using the methods described in these documents.
